Are you sick of feeling exhausted and sluggish and like you are fighting against your body...

Rev Up Your Metabolism

Increase your metabolism and energy levels without spending hours at the gym...

Master Your Metabolism

Laura H.


Struggling to increase energy and achieve fat loss goals?

This guide will unlock how to speed up your metabolism for fat loss and more energy.

  • Rev up you metabolism to lose fat

  • Increased energy

  • Boosted confidence

  • Sleep better

  • Understand what works for YOU and YOUR body

What Our Clients Say

Ellie W.



...and why should you trust me?

Regan La Testa is a "recovering" lawyer who transitioned to coaching after discovering what was missing on her health and fitness journey and on the journeys of other busy women. She has a gift for connecting with others and understanding their needs and the "special sauce" that has been missing for them before. This has led to the many success stories of her clients. Regan has been a featured expert in the NY Post.

Regan has a gift for connecting with others and understanding their needs.

She believes the most important thing is connecting with you and working with you as a partner on your journey....And that the best place to start is exactly where you are. Personally, Regan has been on her own weight loss, health, and fitness journey starting in middle school. She's been overweight, eaten baby food and pre-packaged diet company food's, in the gym with no nutrition plan, counted points, and everything in between. The one prevalent thing throughout it all, was the lack of a positive relationship with herself and food. Despite everything, she's now found balance, contentedness and good health. Most importantly, she's developed healthy relationships with food, others, and, most importantly, herself.

Regan's goal is to help as many working moms and career-driven woman as possible prioritize themselves through their health and fitness, in a sustainable way. How you think about and see the world just might be the key.

Master Your Metabolism

In this guide, you'll learn the steps to start you on your way to a faster metabolism, especially as you age.

You've got this!

In health and wellness,

COach Regan

Regan La Testa | Green Lava Wellness| All Rights Reserved