Your body and mind aren't like anyone else's...your nutrition and fitness plan shouldn't be either

I empower busy moms and career-driven women over 35 to reclaim control of their lives through personalized health and fitness strategies.

Your body and mind aren't like anyone else's...your nutrition and fitness plan shouldn't be either

I empower busy moms and career-driven women over 35 to reclaim control of their lives through personalized health and fitness strategies.

It's time to uncover who you are meant to be!

Hi there! I'm Regan, and I've walked the same path you might be on right now...

As a recovering lawyer, a proud mom of three amazing young women, and someone who's grappled with weight issues for most of my life, I get it. I understand the relentless demands of juggling family, career, and personal well-being.

For years, I poured my heart and soul into taking care of everyone else, often neglecting my own health in the process. It wasn't until I hit a breaking point that I realized the importance of prioritizing myself and reclaiming my own health and well-being.

That's why I'm here—to share my journey, my struggles, and the lessons I've learned along the way. I'm passionate about helping others avoid the same pitfalls I encountered and guiding them towards becoming the healthiest, happiest versions of themselves.

So, whether you're feeling overwhelmed, struggling to find balance, or looking to improve your health and fitness, know that you're not alone. More importantly, you're in the right place. Let my struggles and experience provide a shortcut for your journey.

Relevant Certifications and Credentials:

• Level 1 Certified Nutrition Coach - NCI and Precision Nutrition

• NCI Level 2 Certified Nutrition Coach

• Certified Hormone Specialist

• Certified Mindset Specialist

At Green Lava Wellness, we focus on serving busy moms and career-driven women striving to feel and look better, increase their energy, and gain confidence...


1:1 Coaching: Lifestyle, Nutrition, Fitness, and Mindset

Our signature program, the Reclaim Your Body Method, is a comprehensive wellness approach focusing on mindset, metabolism, and lifestyle integration. By nurturing a positive mindset (which includes unlearning a "diet" mindset), optimizing metabolic function, and integrating sustainable habits, we empower individuals to achieve lasting fat loss, increased confidence, and improved energy levels. This method prioritizes long-term health and well-being, providing a holistic framework for transforming both body and mind.

Group Coaching: Lifestyle, Nutrition, Fitness, and Mindset

Our group coaching program utilizes the pillars of the Reclaim Your Body Method in a group setting. Through group coaching calls and personalized plans, members of group coaching transform their mindset, reset and prime their metabolism, and lifestyle integration to achieve lasting wellness goals. The group environment provides a shared environment to grow and become the best version of yourself with expert guidance on your journey to sustained fat loss, increased confidence, and elevated energy levels.

Group Coaching: Lifestyle, Nutrition, Fitness, and Mindset

Our group coaching program utilizes the pillars of the Reclaim Your Body Method in a group setting. Through group coaching calls and personalized plans, members of group coaching transform their mindset, reset and prime their metabolism, and lifestyle integration to achieve lasting wellness goals. The group environment provides a shared environment to grow and become the best version of yourself with expert guidance on your journey to sustained fat loss, increased confidence, and elevated energy levels.


1:1 Coaching: Lifestyle, Nutrition, Fitness, and Mindset

Our signature 1:1 coaching program, the Reclaim Your Body Method, is a comprehensive wellness approach focusing on mindset, metabolism, and lifestyle integration. By nurturing a positive mindset (which includes unlearning a "diet" mindset), optimizing metabolic function, and integrating sustainable habits, we empower individuals to achieve lasting fat loss, increased confidence, and improved energy levels. This method prioritizes long-term health and well-being, providing a holistic framework for transforming both body and mind.

Group Coaching: Lifestyle, Nutrition, Fitness, and Mindset

Our group coaching program utilizes the pillars of the Reclaim Your Body Method in a group setting. Through group coaching calls and personalized plans, members of group coaching transform their mindset, reset and prime their metabolism, and lifestyle integration to achieve lasting wellness goals. The group environment provides a shared environment to grow and become the best version of yourself with expert guidance on your journey to sustained fat loss, increased confidence, and elevated energy levels.

Unlock Your Nutrition Blueprint: A One Time Macronutrient Assessment

Our one-time macronutrient assessment provides the key to unlocking your nutritional potential. Our expert analysis delves deep into your dietary habits, providing tailored recommendations based on your goals. Gain valuable insights and personalized advice to optimize your nutrition for lasting results. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to a healthier you.


Are your programs about weight loss?

No, we're not just another weight loss program.

We understand that health isn't just about shedding pounds—it's about feeling vibrant, energized, and living life to the fullest. While fat loss may be a part of your journey with us, our approach goes way beyond the scale.

At Green Lava Wellness, we're committed to empowering you to transform not only your body but your entire being. Our whole-person approach considers nutrition, fitness, mindset, and lifestyle factors to help you achieve sustainable results and cultivate a healthier, happier life.

So, if you're ready to embark on a journey that's about so much more than just losing weight, you're in the right place.

Let's work together to unlock your full potential and create lasting, meaningful change.

How do I get started with Green Lava Wellness?

Starting your health journey with us is simple.

You can reach out to us through our contact page or schedule a free Health Strategy Session. During this initial consultation, we'll discuss your health goals, assess your current lifestyle, and determine how our program can best support you. I'll also answer any questions that you may have.

Once we determine we're a good fit, we'll get you started on your way to becoming the best version of yourself, inside and out!

What's the investment?

At Green Lava Wellness, we believe that investing in your health is one of the most valuable investments you can make. Our program is designed to empower you to achieve optimal health and well-being, providing you with the tools, support, and guidance you need to thrive.

We understand that making a commitment to your health is not only a financial investment but also an investment of your time, energy, and dedication. The Reclaim Your Body Method, the signature 1:1 coaching program, and the similar group program, were created to be the last weight loss or health program that you will ever need.

The cost of Green Lava Wellness's programs depend on the level of support that you need, which will be determined during your Health Strategy Session. The program's cost is reflective of it's individualization, the attention clients receive as well as the tangible results clients achieve.

While the cost of our program reflects the high-quality support and resources we provide, we also recognize the importance of making health and wellness accessible to all. That's why we offer flexible payment options and strive to ensure our program is within reach for those who are truly committed to prioritizing their health.

Committing to your health with Green Lava Wellness is an investment in yourself—an investment that will pay dividends in improved energy, vitality, confidence, and overall quality of life. It is the first step toward believing in yourself and recognizing that YOU matter and are worth it! You can expect the financial commitment to be a low-mid 4 figure investment. Some people pay this upfront, others do payment plans with us, or opt for third-party financing.

Who is the program for?

Green Lava Wellness works with anyone over the age 18. While we work mostly with woman, our program works for men as well. Because of our individualized approach, it works for anyone who is looking to improve their health, look and feel better and increase their confidence.

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